

Rarity: R

Attack type: Energy Energy

Attack: +100

HP: +400

Critical rate: +10.0%

Critical damage: +200%


Skill: Power of Hell Power of Hell

Skill Type: Passive Skill

Skill Description: Missile damage+50%

Extra Combat Power: +500


Nr All Fighters Bonus Level
1 + Missile attack +3% 20
2   Total HP +10% 40
3 + HP +200 60
4   Missile attack +5% 80

Levels: List of levels with HP and Attack -> TBD

Upgrade: TBD


Star level Attack(Total) HP(Total) All Fighters Attributes Upgrade Costs
Star 0 +0 +0     17000xStarsStars, 10xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star1 +43 (43) +175 (175)   Idle rewards +2% 34000xStarsStars, 10xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star1Star1 +44 (87) +176 (351)   Maingun attack +2% 51000xStarsStars, 20xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star1Star1Star1 +44 (131) +176 (527)   Idle rewards +2% 70000xStarsStars, 20xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star1Star1Star1Star1 +49 (180) +196 (723)   Maingun attack +2% 89000xStarsStars, 20xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star1Star1Star1Star1Star1 +49 (229) +195 (918)   Maingun attack +2% 108000xStarsStars, 30xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star2 +49 (278) +195 (1113) + Missile attack +5% 133000xStarsStars, 30xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star2Star2 +65 (343) +260 (1373)   Maingun attack +2% 158000xStarsStars, 30xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star2Star2Star2 +65 (408) +261 (1634)   Total HP +3% 184000xStarsStars, 60xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star2Star2Star2Star2 +65 (473) +261 (1895)   Maingun attack +2% 215000xStarsStars, 60xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star2Star2Star2Star2Star2 +82 (555) +325 (2220)   Total HP +3% 247000xStarsStars, 60xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star3 +81 (636) +326 (2546)   Winggun attack +3% 278000xStarsStars, 80xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star3Star3 +82 (718) +326 (2872)   Total HP +4% 316000xStarsStars, 80xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star3Star3Star3 +97 (815) +391 (3263)   Winggun attack +3% 354000xStarsStars, 80xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star3Star3Star3Star3 +98 (913) +391 (3654)   Attack rate +2% 392000xStarsStars, 110xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star3Star3Star3Star3Star3 +98 (1011) +390 (4044)   Winggun attack +4% 436000xStarsStars, 110xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star4 +114 (1125) +456 (4500)   Attack rate +2% 480000xStarsStars, 110xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star4Star4 +113 (1238) +455 (4955)   Attack rate +2% 525000xStarsStars, 150xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star4Star4Star4 +115 (1353) +457 (5412)   Attack rate +2% 600000xStarsStars, 150xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star4Star4Star4Star4 +195 (1548) +782 (6194)   Attack rate +2% 676000xStarsStars, 150xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
Star4Star4Star4Star4Star4 +196 (1744) +782 (6976) + Missile attack +10% 676000xStarsStars, 150xInferno ShardsInferno Shards
