

Rarity: SR

Attack type: Energy Energy

Attack: +150

HP: +600

Critical rate: +10.0%

Critical damage: +200%


Skill: Blast Shotgun Boost Blast Shotgun Boost

Skill Type: Passive Skill

Skill Description: Blast Shotgun attack + 80%

Extra Combat Power: +800


Nr All Fighters Bonus Level
1 + Missile attack +3% 20
2   Total HP +10% 40
3 + HP +200 60
4   Missile attack +5% 80

Levels: List of levels with HP and Attack -> TBD

Upgrade: TBD


Star level Attack(Total) HP(Total) All Fighters Attributes Upgrade Costs
Star 0 +0 +0     17000xStarsStars, 10xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star1 +52 (52) +211 (211)   Blast Shotgun attack +3% 34000xStarsStars, 10xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star1Star1 +53 (105) +212 (423)   Blast Shotgun attack +3% 51000xStarsStars, 20xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star1Star1Star1 +53 (158) +212 (635)   Blast Shotgun attack +4% 70000xStarsStars, 20xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star1Star1Star1Star1 +59 (217) +235 (870)   Blast Shotgun attack +4% 89000xStarsStars, 20xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star1Star1Star1Star1Star1 +59 (276) +235 (1105)   Blast Shotgun attack +4% 108000xStarsStars, 30xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star2 +59 (335) +236 (1341) + Maingun attack +5% 133000xStarsStars, 30xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star2Star2 +78 (413) +313 (1654)   Blast Shotgun attack +5% 158000xStarsStars, 30xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star2Star2Star2 +78 (491) +313 (1967)   Blast Shotgun attack +5% 184000xStarsStars, 60xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star2Star2Star2Star2 +79 (570) +315 (2282)   Blast Shotgun attack +5% 215000xStarsStars, 60xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star2Star2Star2Star2Star2 +98 (668) +391 (2673)   Blast Shotgun attack +5% 247000xStarsStars, 60xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star3 +98 (766) +393 (3066)   Blast Shotgun attack +6% 278000xStarsStars, 80xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star3Star3 +98 (864) +392 (3458)   Blast Shotgun attack +6% 316000xStarsStars, 80xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star3Star3Star3 +118 (982) +471 (3929)   Blast Shotgun attack +6% 354000xStarsStars, 80xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star3Star3Star3Star3 +118 (1100) +471 (4400)   Blast Shotgun attack +7% 392000xStarsStars, 110xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star3Star3Star3Star3Star3 +117 (1217) +470 (4870)   Blast Shotgun attack +7% 436000xStarsStars, 110xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star4 +137 (1354) +549 (5419)   Blast Shotgun attack +7% 480000xStarsStars, 110xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star4Star4 +137 (1491) +548 (5967)   Blast Shotgun attack +7% 525000xStarsStars, 150xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star4Star4Star4 +138 (1629) +550 (6517)   Blast Shotgun attack +8% 600000xStarsStars, 150xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star4Star4Star4Star4 +235 (1864) +941 (7458)   Blast Shotgun attack +8% 676000xStarsStars, 150xRock ShardsRock Shards
Star4Star4Star4Star4Star4 +236 (2100) +942 (8400) + Maingun attack +15% 676000xStarsStars, 150xRock ShardsRock Shards
